E – Conditions of Accession
Book "E" provides a brief summary of the regulations related to smart city:
Legal regulations
General Terms and Conditions
Business Policies
The legal framework, and rules for the use of the platform (business model).
The uniform and interoperable operation of systems requires the development of uniform rules. This involves the development of common technology specifications and recommendations, and the definition of technical and security requirements for the interfaces between systems.
An important part of technology regulation is to ensure the interoperability of services and to regulate the access to and use of services and benefits through the use of separate systems.
It also aims to achieve security conditions, i.e. a coherent and consistent system. At the same time, it is necessary to regulate certain issues of use, in particular the conditions of eligibility, management of eligibility and identification, related liability, data management, data processing and data access.
It is necessary to regulate at least at recommendation level the requirements for the media providing access to certain systems, with particular attention to certain electronic systems, modern technologies and the specifications of relevant national and international standards.
Regulation should be implemented at the level that is closest, necessary and sufficient to the area to be regulated.