National Smart City Technology Platform

More and more cities in the country are working on or planning to introduce smart city services in the near future. Given that some elements of smart city services are centralised, public and operational, a coordination mechanism to coordinate their development is advisable. A key requirement for this mechanism is that it should support urban decision-making and not hinder natural innovation processes. It is important to ensure consistency between development and the necessary central control.


  • To support the implementation of the tasks set out in the Government Decision on "Current tasks related to the implementation of the Digital Nation Development Programme".
  • Support the creation of interoperable smart city services.
  • To support the implementation of sustainable smart city projects.
  • Ensuring efficiency and transparency in the use of public funds in the implementation of smart city projects.


  • To provide expert support for the preparation and implementation of smart city projects.
  • Support and prepare the domestic ICT sector for the implementation of projects.
  • Develop an exportable know-how package.
  • To define an innovation strategy in line with the local city agenda.
  • Implementation of demonstration pilot projects.

Products as results of the platform


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